Mislav Rogosic, M.Sc. M.Eng.
Energy System Modeller
Talented modeller, driving robust and reliable energy strategies through sophisticated power system modeling and future market analysis.
Mislav is an Energy System Modeller at ESMIA, where he specializes in power system modeling, market analysis, and energy policies. He has a solid experience in modelling the power sector to co-optimize capacity expansion and dispatch for future energy demand under strict emission targets. He is responsible for developing and maintaining NATEM-Power, a sophisticated long-term power system model that ensures that electricity supply is sufficient to meet electricity demand at all hours of the year, for each Canadian jurisdiction, over a long-term planning horizon and that supports comprehensive scenario planning for energy transitions. He also coding in Python soft-linking tools between the economy-wide energy system model NATEM and other models.
He is also an active participant in multi-model comparison exercises with the Energy Modeling Hub (EMH, Canada) using the electricity system optimization model NATEM-Power.
Before joining ESMIA, Mislav served as a Deputy Counselor for nuclear energy at the French Embassy in the United States. His role involved high-level diplomatic engagements, comprehensive technical and economic analysis of nuclear trends in North America for French organisations, and development of nuclear partnerships between France and the United States. Prior to that, he began his career as an operations research engineer at Electricité de France (EDF), where he developed long-term electricity supply-demand models and optimization models for hydro-storage, integrating renewable sources into a nuclear-dominant grid.
Mislav holds a master’s in energy and electrical engineering from CentraleSupelec, (France) and a master’s in energy and markets from the French Petroleum Institute (France), where he studied economics and finance in the energy sector.