Custom model developments
DIAMOND – Delivering the next generation of open Integrated Assessment MOdels for Net-zero, sustainable Development
Client: European Commission
DIAMOND was a large-scale modelling project that sought to update, upgrade, and fully open six Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs) to address in greater technical detail the integrated policy requirements of GHG mitigation pathways – from demand-side transformations to cross-sectoral interactions, to finance and labor dynamics, to broad societal transformation, to adaptation and other sustainability goals. The project enhanced modelling capacity to assess the feasibility and desirability of Paris-compliant mitigation pathways, their interplay with adaptation, the circular economy and other SDGs, their distributional and equity effects, and their resilience to extremes, as well as robust risk management and investment strategies. This enhancement was achieved via the integration of tools and insights from psychology, finance research, behavioural and labour economics, operational research, and physical science.
ESMIA contributed to the development of the Open-source MuNdus Integrated Assessment model (OMNIA), a customised, open-access global IAM based on the TIMES framework and the research expertise and capability of its TIAM developers. The ultimate ambition of OMNIA was to enable a broader community of practice, open not only to TIMES model users but based on shared development and best-in-practice approaches to open modelling. The OMNIA modelling project committed to the assurance of clear results, accessible to all stakeholders and policymakers.

Other projects in this category

Development of a machine learning model for seismic hazard from wastewater injection
Client: Railroad Commission of Texas (USA)

GHG reduction potential of marine decarbonization pathways in Canada
Client: Transport Canada (Canada)

Developing a generic COMET model for cities and using the COMET-NYC model to inform the first Climate Budget of New York City
Client: Abt Associates and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USA)